Our Membership Disclaimer
Investigate Property Pty Ltd does not guarantee to find a property for you within any stated timeframe and as such we encourage you to continue to look for yourself.
Before purchasing any property through Investigate Property Pty Ltd or through your own sourcing it is highly recommended that you employ professional consultants to carry out research on any properties that you have an interest in. Investigate Property Pty Ltd are not surveyors, engineers, financiers, financial advisors, accountants, solicitors, builders, designers, valuers or insurers.
Assessments carried out by Investigate Property Pty Ltd do not necessarily include research and assessments of survey plans, building plans, building approvals or town planning approvals. Further to this, assessments that are carried out in some instances are limited or in areas of expertise better carried out by other professional bodies.
Investigate Property Pty Ltd assessments and statements are intended as a comprehensive guide only.
When purchasing a property that Investigate Property Pty Ltd has sourced, or utlising our Property Pro Membership, you are doing so with the understanding that you should carry out your own research, searches and discussions and you acknowledge that Investigate Property Pty Ltd has advised you of this.
Any property accepted by anyone that has been sourced by Investigate Property Pty Ltd is their sole responsibility and not the responsibility of Investigate Property Pty Ltd.
Investigate Property Pty Ltd does not guarantee capital growth as it is affected by factors beyond our control.